About HolyCow Holidays

HolyCow Holidays is managed by a team of professionals who have decades of experience in luxury travel in India, Nepal and Bhutan. The ultimate objective of the company is to provide each of its discerning clients with a unique travel experience and to make their journey a memorable one. Whether your interest is in India’s incredible wildlife, its opulent palaces, majestic forts, or its world heritage sites, HolyCow Holidays team helps you choose the best. If your inclination is towards yoga, Ayurveda, or you want to dive deep into mysticism, HolyCow Holidays will prepare an itinerary that will be a perfect fit for you. On the other hand, if you want to taste a bit of everything, we have a recipe for that too. The unusual challenges to provide a positive result, whether requests to charter an aircraft, pitch a tented city in the middle of the desert, or arrange for an elephant to bring the birthday cake, no task is left without our good-hearted and enthusiastic response. One of the many reasons the majority of HolyCow Holiday’s clientele repeats their travels to India with us—some more than ten times!

So come aboard and let us take you on a trip of a lifetime!

About tarun chopra

Tarun Chopra is an internationally acclaimed photographer based in India. He has produced some of the most exciting and beautiful photographic books on India. Each book has been a commercial success story in itself, and some titles are already in their 15th edition. Art connoisseurs from around the world collect his art. This success has resulted in numerous exhibitions of his photographs in different parts of the world.

Tarun's assignments have transcended geographical boundaries. He has done industrial photography in Mexico. He has photographed the luxury hotels of the Oberoi Group in India and also in Dubai, Egypt, Bali and Sychelles. He has been on photographic assignment to exotic places such as, Myanmar, Bhutan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Guatemala, Istanbul, and Israel to name a few.

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